Who do you work for?

Depending on who you ask at the dealership, you may come across a few different answers, even when asking the owner.

But in order to find consistent success, the answer has to be the customer.

The Best Body Shop in Wichita, Kan., recently posted a video explaining the depth in which they take care of the customer. Insurance companies insist that body shops use after-market parts because they are cheaper but maintain the same quality. This body shop, fed up at being forced to use substandard parts, took to the Internet.

In the video, Clay Hoberecht, owner of Best Body Shop, repairs a vehicle to the exact specification the insurance company asked and demonstrates in a very hands-on way how these specifications do not hold up to OEM parts.

Hoberecht states, “We as a body shop are bound to repair your car according to OEM procedures, not according to how the insurance tells us.” He adds, “We work for you, and you alone.”

This video brings up two questions:

  1. Do your customers know you’re looking out for their best interests?

It would be easy to assume that having the lowest prices and helping to get a car buyer into a new vehicle is all one needs to succeed. But we all know that’s not the case.

Customers today expect service and they’re willing to be loyal to a company that proves they want to deliver on good service consistently.

Studies by thought leaders across the spectrum have indicated, time and again, that personalization is a key indicator to delivering personal care. Personalization in communication increases both open rates and revenue, but also shows the customer that you care about them individually, and thus personalizing the message. As customers bring their vehicles in for service, taking time to explain and discuss the issues with the vehicle builds trust between customer and dealership.

“Overall, to increase trust between car buyers and dealerships, the industry needs to shift from a transactional, product-driven approach to a customer-centric approach,” states Greg Carrasco, President of GTA Hyundai Dealerships.

  1. Do your customers understand why using OEM parts, and factory-certified technicians, actually makes a difference?

Part of providing a high level of customer service is ensuring the customer gets what they paid for. Across the board, repairs using OEM parts often exceed the cost of using after-market options.

Just as how in the video from Best Body Shop clearly illustrates the benefits, a dealership’s service advisor also needs to explain to a customer why they are paying more and how it’s an upside for maintaining the value of the car to performance.

Additionally, cost differences are often due to the amount of training and expertise going into the employee working in your service center. Factory-certified technicians who work solely on the manufacturer’s vehicles means more expertise and familiarity.

Time and again, customers are willing to pay more for high-quality, professional work with OEM parts; as long as they understand why it costs more. It’s the dealership’s responsibility to explain.


Implementing a platform like OneClick Loyalty personalizes the customer experience and helps build trust. This means they are more inclined to listen when you explain the benefits of OEM parts and using your technicians, as well as giving you the opportunity to show how you have the customer’s best interests at heart.